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Database and mapping of Apayao's natural resources to be updated

Luna, Apayao - The National Mapping and Resource Information Authority (NAMRIA) recently presented their preliminary consultation and field validation activities conducted in the province to the Provincial Government of Apayao (PGA) in a presentation meeting held today, April 17, 2023, at the Provincial Capitol Conference Hall, Luna.

NAMRIA officials led by Engr. Erwin Mataro, briefed the representatives from Provincial Planning and Development Office, (PPDO) and Provincial Governor's Office - Environment and Natural Resources Division (PGO-ENRD) on the agency's ongoing efforts to update its maps and database of Apayao's natural resources.

The preliminary consultation activities included meetings with Local Government Units (LGU) officials, community leaders, and indigenous peoples' representatives. NAMRIA will also conduct field validation activities to verify data and gather additional information on the province's resources.

Engr. Mataro highlighted the importance of accurate and updated maps and resource information in the development planning of Apayao. He emphasized that the data gathered by NAMRIA would be useful for land-use planning, disaster risk reduction, and natural resource management.

"We are hoping that the LGUs will be cooperative during the conduct of consultation and field validation especially in the far flung areas. It is imperative that the data gathered are accurate and precise," Mataro said.

The provincial officials expressed their appreciation for NAMRIA's efforts in updating the maps and database of Apayao's resources. They also expressed their willingness to support NAMRIA's activities and ensure the participation of the local communities in the data gathering process.

Meanwhile, PPDO representative Mr. Felipe Abulencia, stated that the PGA will provide the most recent datebase, resources, and records that was developed during their recent workshops to aid NAMRIA in their mapping efforts. "We will try to match your data and findings with our available records to ensure the accurary of information to be published," Abulencia said.

Likewise, PGO-ENRD Chief Marcelo Menor, stated that the data to be gathered will likely be used to supplement the vital documents to be submitted in the final writeup of the proposed inscription of Apayao as a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve.

The meeting ended with an agreement between NAMRIA and the Provincial Government of Apayao to continue their partnership in updating the maps and database of Apayao's natural resources. The provincial officials committed to providing support and assistance to NAMRIA in its activities in the province.

NAMRIA is a government agency under the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) responsible for providing mapping, charting, and geodetic services to support national development initiatives. Its activities in Apayao are part of its mandate to update the maps and database of the country's natural resources.





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